Our ministry with children is guided by the understanding that all children are a gift of God. We share in affirming that all children are:
Created by God and created good;
All children are a gift to the whole human community;
All children have a real faith and gifts for ministry;
All children have the right to be children;
And all children are not just tomorrow, but they are today.
For more information about children's faith formation, or to find out how you can be involved, contact Amy Wilson, Director of Children and Family Ministries.

Godly Play

Godly Play is our Sunday School program for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. It is based on an interpretation of Montessori religious education and is an imaginative approach to working with children, an approach that supports, challenges, nourishes and guides their spiritual quest. Our storytellers capture the attention and imagination of every child around the circle as they share stories from the Bible and encourage the children to reflect on them.
Godly Play meets on Sunday mornings, 9:00 - 9:45 a.m., in the Godly Play suite on the second floor.
Danville Youth Connection (6th - 12th Grade)
The mission of DYC is to provide a Christ-centered place for 6th-12th graders to talk, play, pray, serve, support, and grow as disciples with the guidance and care of adults who love them, empowering all for ministry. We meet on Sunday Nights at 5:30pm.
Danville Youth Connection is a shared ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Danville, Trinity Episcopal Church, First Christian Church. DYC is a great place to find true friendships, exciting events, and important lessons about life’s challenges. Most importantly, it’s a safe place to connect with a real God who is passionately seeking us!
Contact Sean Gladding to get involved!

Youth Sunday School
We meet in the basement youth room at 9:00am on Sunday mornings. We use the Feasting on the Word curriculum and Godly Play. All 6th - 12th graders are welcome!

College Students
Welcome Students!
College can be a bubble, seeing only 20-somethings and staying in the same four block space. Join us for worship, service, meals, board game nights and other opportunities for fun while connecting with the wider church.
Contact Sean Gladding to get involved.
Book Study
Sunday 9:00 AM
Led by Bill Garriott and currently reading If God is Love, Don't Be a Jerk, by John Pavlovitz. Meets in the Library.
Exploring Our Faith Class
Sunday 9:00 AM
Facilitated by Sean Gladding and others, this class studies scripture, books, and discusses current events and social issues. Meets in the Second Floor Conference Room.
Prayer Group and Card Ministry
Monday 2:00 PM
Together we send cards to and pray for people who are experiencing difficulties, grieving the loss of a loved one, or celebrating a significant event.
Currently meeting at the church in room 122.
Wednesday Evenings
Wednesday 5:15 PM
Join us for dinner and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall at 5:15 p.m., followed by a topical discussion.
Bible Study
Thursday 10:30 AM
Led by Jim Erwin in the Library of the church. Currently the group is discussing Micah.
Friday Online Study
Friday 10:00 AM
Join Sean Gladding for a weekly bible or book study. Contact Sean to be added to the email list.