What TO expect
Our sanctuary was built in the 1800s. It is a beautiful, historic, tall brick structure, so it can look imposing and formal from the outside. On the inside, though, you can expect to find a vibrant, welcoming church for persons of all ages.
Expect to be welcomed as you enter the sanctuary
and greeted as you leave.
Expect to find people dressed in a variety of styles:
dresses, coats and ties, business casual and jeans.
Expect to find worship that is engaging and participatory,
preaching that is relevant, and music that blends old and new.
Expect to be welcomed as a child of God.
Especially for Children
All children are welcome in worship. We provide activity bags for those who need to keep busy. Children are invited to participate in our services by processing the Bible, lighting the Christ candle and helping to set the communion table.
9:00am - Christian Formation
10:00am - Worship Service
11:00am - Fellowship