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Sunday Services


We offer two services on Sundays:


8:30 a.m. - Worship with Communion: This is a more intimate and quiet service which includes scripture readings, a sermon, prayer, and weekly communion. Music is typically led on the piano and congregational singing is limited to two hymns. Participants come forward to form a semi-circle in front of the communion table to receive communion. 


11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship with Choirs: This is generally a larger and more lively service which also includes scripture readings, a sermon, and prayer. We receive communion on the first Sunday of each month, generally by intinction and occasionally by passing trays in the pews. Music is led on the organ and piano, by the Sanctuary Choir, Bell Choir, and Children's Choir, as well as various instrumentalists and vocalists. This service includes more congregational singing.  


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