For Adults
We also offer a variety of opportunities for adults to grow in their relationships with God and one another:
Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
(except October 6, November 17 and December 29, when we will have a single combined worship service at 10:00am)
A Cloud of Witnesses: Presbyterians Investigate Our Past
(Room 120: September 15 - October 27)
As part of the Session's commitment to study the role of the church in relation to slavery and segregation, Centre history professor Dr. Tara Strauch will begin with this a six- part series designed to help us explore the broader history of the Presbyterian Church and the ways in which have interacted with the world over the past three centuries.
Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses—of the faithful in the past and present. Throughout this class, we will consider what lessons we should learn from the faithful that came before us and the inheritance they have left us. Topics include Presbyterians and the American Revolution, the Second Great Awakening, Slavery, and World Missions.
Bible Study: Living Word
(Chapel: ongoing)
Facilitated by Mark Tibbles, Living Word is a lectionary-based Bible study. Discussion revolves around themes found in scripture and how those themes can be applied to life, faith, and spiritual journeys.
Book Study: The End of White Christian America
(Room 122: September 15 - October 13)
We begin the year with The End of White Christian America. Public Religion Research Institute CEO Robert Jones draws on findings from a large survey database to show how today’s controversies can be understood only in the context of a changing racial, religious, and cultural landscape. Centre sociology professor Dr. Beau Weston will facilitate this four-week discussion of the book, which can be purchased in the church office for $5.00.
Prayer Group and Card Ministry
(Conference Room next to the Pastor's Office: ongoing)
Together we send cards to and pray for people who are experiencing difficulties, grieving the loss of a loved one, or celebrating a significant event.
Wednesday Evenings at 5:30 p.m.
(Fellowship Hall: September 11 - December 18)
Note that October 30 is the date of our Halloween Social and December 4 is the date of our Christmas Craft Night
Bring a side or dessert to share and join us for dinner and fellowship at 5:30 p.m., followed at 6:00 p.m. by a rotating schedule of spiritual practices:
1st Wednesdays: Milestones Ministry— We will mark significant events in our lives (like getting a driver’s license or caring for aging parents or an ill spouse, among others), using a four-step process that includes scripture reading, reflection, prayer, and conversation, to discover how God is present in these important transitions as well as our everyday lives.
2nd Wednesdays: Service—We will bake cookies for Soup's On Us, our monthly lunch-making and lunch-delivery ministry which takes place each second Saturday of the month.
3rd Wednesdays: Lectio Divina—We will use an ancient practice of reading and meditating on the scriptures to deepen our relationship with God and increase our understanding of God’s word for our lives.
4th Wednesdays: Fellowship—An unstructured time for making new friends and reconnecting with old friends.
Thursday Morning Bible Study at 10:30 a.m.
(Room 122: Begins September 12)
Led by retired Presbyterian pastor Jim Erwin, this Bible study will address the Gospel of John through the eyes and experiences of those who encountered Jesus during his ministry in Judea and Jerusalem. The group has some lively discussions, so prepare to be challenged!